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Results 1 - 10 of 39 for "grieving"

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  1. A Toolkit For Young Grieving Children From The Dougy Center

    Resource Type:  Website 152 reads While everyone grieves differently, there are some behaviors and ... individuals and organizations seeking to assist children who are grieving. Author(s):  The Dougy Center Link ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  2. Susan Grieve

    Susan Grieve's picture

    Degree & Credential: PT, DPT, MS, OCS
    Title: Assistant Professor
    Organization: Samuel Merritt University
    Contact: not available

  3. Lorin Grieve

    Lorin Grieve's picture

    Degree & Credential: PharmD, BS Pharm, BS Psych
    Title: Fellow Clinical Simulations
    Organization: Department of Veteran Affairs
    Contact: not available

  4. IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives

    and Scholarship (CIEPS) IA Soren Grieve, DPT Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy ... Boise State University, College of Health Sciences- Interprofessional Education ID Phil Ford, PhD, ...

    Site Admin


  5. End-of-Life Care and Saying Goodbye

    process of saying goodbye and grieving. Finally, it provides the stages of grief along with things ... Subject:  Patients & Families Additional Tags (Optional):  End-of-life care grieving stages patient and ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  6. National Association Of School Psychologists Resources On Addressing Grief

    of resources on addressing grief and aspects common in children grieving. The website also provides ... related to the death of a loved one. The symptoms, characteristics, and process of grieving can be similar ... wrong way to grieve. How people grieve can be influenced by developmental level, cultural traditions, ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  7. A Toolkit For Counselors and Helping Professionals On Grief From The Dougy Center

    to different ways of grieving; Offer choices; Talk about and remember the person who died; Provide ... Children Who Are Grieving.") The Dougy Center offers resources for counselors and helping ... professionals looking to support students and families who are grieving. The toolkit includes poems, activities, ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  8. Grief Support Kit From L'Arche Canada: Aging And Disability

    one another through the grieving process. It gives particular attention to the experience of grieving ... L'Arche Canada: Aging And Disability Link to Resource: ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  9. National Alliance For Children's Grief

    supporting a child who is grieving, and we encourage you to use and share them freely. If you are seeking ... awareness about the needs of children and teens who are grieving a death and provides education and ... resources for anyone who supports them. Author(s):  National Alliance for Grieving Children Link to ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  10. A Toolkit For School Personnel On Grief From The Dougy Center

    it’s likely you’ll work with a student grieving the death of a family member or friend. Supporting ... of grieving students, the Dougy Center has compiled these tips for supporting students after ... nationally, and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children who are grieving ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources
