Reaching Rural Residents with IPE (R3 IPE)

This webinar is part of the Accelerating Initiative Real Stories with Real Impacts: What Worked for Accelerating Initiative Teams Webinar series.
Focused Description:
The Oregon Health & Science University NexusIPE™ team builds upon the relationships built through the OHSU Campus for Rural Health and another OHSU School of Nursing program, I-CAN. The Oregon program addresses aging rural residents as a population at risk for significant health disparities and adverse social determinants of health. Interprofessional student teams in a primary care medical home do
in-home follow-ups for additional assessments. Student teams follow-up with consultations with clinic staff and providers thus extending the reach of primary care providers in offering care to patients in the community. Through the home visits, interprofessional teams have identified needs of aging rural residents that would not have been identified without the home visit, prompting new clinic visits and changes in care plans. The rural residents and the providers acknowledge the added value to the provision of care.
The presenters will provide insight into how this partnership was different than past partnerships, what had to change in order for them to be successful, and how their focus on the needs of older adults in the community contributed to benefits for all; including aging rural residents, the education partner and their students, and community partners and their staff. The presenters will also highlight the ACE-15 tool, and how this tool contributed to their success.
Education-Community Partners
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
Klamath Health Partnership
Cascades East Family Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University Presenters
- Peggy Wros, PhD, RN, (Principal Investigator), Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Diversity, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) School of Nursing (SON)
- Virginia Tilden, PhD, RN, FAAN, (Co-Principal Investigator), Special Assistant to the Dean, OHSU SON
- Barbara F. Brandt, PhD, EdM, FNAP, Director and Associate Vice President, National Center
- Carla Dieter, EdD, MS, RN, Coordinator of Accelerating Initiative and Coordinator of NexusIPE™ Programs, National Center
Key Lessons from Oregon’s NexusIPE™ Team include:
- Build on previous relationships to incorporate new opportunities
- Leverage senior leadership and university commitments to advance IPE
- Add value with student interprofessional teams to extend the reach of primary care providers
Tool Highlight: ACE-15 *
- How does this help with team assessment?
- How does this fit into the National Center’s Core Data Set?
Professions Engaged
- Nursing (graduate students, faculty, staff)
- Medicine (undergraduate, primary care providers)
- Pharmacy (students, faculty)
- Physician Assistant (students)
*Virginia P. Tilden, Elizabeth Eckstrom & Nathan F. Dieckmann (2016). Development of the assessment for collaborative environments (ACE-15): A tool to measure perceptions of interprofessional “teamness”. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 0:3, 288-294, DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2015.1137891
Webinar Recording
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