Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase: Leveraging an Interprofessional Education Committee in the Development of a Residency Leadership Curriculum Influenced by Dialectical Behavior Therapy

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This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase series.

Series Description:

Join us for the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase: a free webinar series from the National Center! The highest rated peer-reviewed seminars offered during Nexus Summit 2022 will cover topics ranging from diversity, equity and inclusion, medical-dental integration, cross institutional collaboration, interprofessional systems and structures, narrative leadership, and virtual simulations, among others. Offered between February - July 2023, the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase will provide an opportunity to learn from, with, and about the work being done to improve practice, education and health for those we serve.


This seminar reviews curriculum developed by a committee of interprofessional learners (medicine, nursing, psychology, social work) invested in educating psychiatry residents on effective leadership skills. Participants will learn about the Drama Triangle and the Empowerment Dynamic which describe dysfunctional and adaptive systems of engagement, respectively. Presenters will review Dialectical Behavior Therapy Interpersonal Effectiveness skills (Linehan, 1993) which facilitate effective communication that nurtures relationships while maintaining limits. Participants will identify a drama triangle within their clinical learning environment (CLE) they wish to flip to an empowered dynamic. Participants will work in dyads (either live or via Zoom) to apply the DBT-IE skills to their circumstance. As a large group, presenters will debrief one example for deeper skill application. The conference theme - Interprofessional Learning for Collaborative Practice and Education - is the core of this curriculum which is a student-led and engaged initiative and collaboration (one of the priority criteria). The curriculum addresses an additional priority criteria - the Quadruple Aim (Bodenheimer & Sinsky, 2014) - by emphasizing the IPEC Competency of Communication which is integral to healthy individuals and teams. This seminar executes the National Center’s first strategic imperative by demonstrating a flexible learning resource using stakeholders’ own experiences. This strategic imperative is further executed by the lead presenter mentoring learners to become leaders within interprofessional education. The curriculum has broad application as it can be utilized with learners, teammates and patients.


Alexandra Zagoloff, PhD, LP, University of Minnesota Medical School

Tolulope Odebunmi, MBBS, MPH, University of Minnesota Medical School

Jeremiah Atkinson, MD, University of Minnesota Medical School

Colleen Doyle, PhD, University of Minnesota Medical School

Christina Warner, MD, University of Minnesota Medical School

Event Date: 
Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 11:00am to 12:00pm CDT