
Connecting Discussion General discussion I CAN Grant Update 12/15/2017
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I CAN Blog Post:


Our 1st cohort has officially finished their first year in the I CAN program. We concluded the first year with focus groups with both the students and their preceptors. Feedback covered the overall experience of the program, challenges experienced during the semester, recommendations to strengthen the experiences, etc. Feedback was positive overall from both the preceptors’ and students’ perspectives. Suggestions for further enhancing the experience included improving scheduling processes and ways to make sure hour requirements are met, these will be a focus moving forward. Several students in the 1st cohort asked for experience in other specialties like pediatric sites, so our project manager will be looking into the possibility of offering these experiences for their 3rd semester in the I CAN program. Once all data is entered into Typhon, quality report analyses will be completed for each student for the spring semester.

Our application process for cohort 2 has finished. We have recruited a total of eight applicants to start in the Spring 2018 semester. We are in the process of finalizing clinical sites for each student to begin in January. Recommendations and considerations made by the 1st year cohort will be instilled for the 2nd year cohort as well.