
Connecting Discussion General discussion I CAN Grant Update: 10/3/17
The views and opinions expressed in this forum are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, the University of Minnesota or any of our funding partners.
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We are currently in the process of expanding our program to include our second cohort of students along with completing placements for our graduating students from cohort 1.  We have met with our clinical partners to determine the best placements for our 1st cohort of students. This round of placements is more complicated as we work together to balance the new students’ needs and those of the graduating cohort, which span balancing geriatric, pediatric, and OB/GYN experiences. We continue to have challenges with preceptor availability in primary care and OB/GYN.  Time continues to be a central theme for preceptor’s willingness to work with NP students.  Preceptors are often concerned with the uncertainty in student assignments, not knowing the baseline level of the student and the time needed to introduce students into the primary care experience. The preceptors in our first cohort expressed a high satisfaction with the quality of our 1st semester students last spring, and we are building on that praise to encourage new preceptors to participate.

In an effort to reduce the strain of numerous students on our clinical partner, we planned to rotate some student into other community experiences during the spring when two cohorts are in the program. Thus, this spring we will have some students in long term care facilities, pediatrics and OB/GYN – this strategy not only helps to off-set burn out and overload for our clinical partner preceptors and sites, it will also strengthen and round out the clinical experiences for the students in the program.