The mission of the Women’s Community Clinic is to improve the health and well-being of women and girls.
We believe preventive, educational care is essential to lifelong health and that all women deserve excellent health care, regardless of their ability to pay.
We work hard to ensure that each client feels comfortable and safe using her voice to direct the care she receives.
Since 1999, the Women’s Community Clinic has used an innovative volunteer-based business model to provide affordable and accessible health care services to Bay Area women and girls. With a proven track record of success, the Clinic has earned a reputation as a safe, welcoming environment where uninsured women can access high-quality health services.
The Clinic has grown from a budget of $150,000 and one staff person to a budget of $3.2 million with 35 staff and more than 100 active volunteers. The Clinic now serves 3,500 women annually with over 6,000 clinical appointments, running on the strength, commitment, and passion of our community.