Users Shirley Morrissey
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Shirley Morrissey

Degree & Credential: Phd
Title: Associate Professor
Organization: Griffith University
Profession: Psychologist

Shirley trained initially as a nurse (both general and psychiatric nurse) in the UK in the late 1970's before moving to Australia in 1985.  She subsequently completed degrees in psychology and is a practising health and clinical psychologist as well as being an academic in the School of Applied Psychology at Griffith University.  Shirley led a large Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) funded project 'Preparing students for multidisicplinary mental health practice' and has been involved with the development and implementation of the IPL framework at Griffith University.  She currently facilitates IPL workshops for students in a variety of health programs as well as teaching and providing both rewsearch and clinical supervision for students in psychology.