Users Meg Jordan
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Meg Jordan

Sector: Education

Professor and Dept. Chair of Integrative Health at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Clinical medical anthrpologist specializing in integrative medicine and behavioral health. Other specialties include health coaching and medical pluralism. I'm also chair of the Somatic Psychology department at CIIS.

Our Interest in Interprofessional Practice and Education:

I've done extensive medical anthropology reseaarch in the exact nature of collaboration among practitioners of various disciplines from allopathy, natupathy, ayurveda, chiropractic, TCM, herbalims, subtle energy medicine practitioners, somatic educators, homeopathy, and more.  I'm happy to share this research  and have presented it at Integrative Healthcare Symposium and will at Bastyr in 2014.

My Contributions

A listing of all contributions made to the National Center community.
