Users Craig Kuziemsky
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Craig Kuziemsky

Degree & Credential: PhD
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Title: Associate Vice-President, Research
Organization: MacEwan University
Profession: Academia

Dr. Craig Kuziemsky is Associate Vice President Research at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta. From 2007-2019 he was at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, including being Full Professor and The University Research Chair in Healthcare Innovation from 2016-2019. He completed his PhD in Health Information Science from the University of Victoria in 2006. Dr. Kuziemsky’s research focuses on developing innovative approaches for modeling collaborative healthcare delivery so we can better design information and communication technology (ICT) to support different contexts of collaborative healthcare delivery. His work has defined the structural aspects necessary to support collaboration as well as the behavioral and social processes that shape how the structural components work. His studies of collaboration have used concepts such as complexity theory to understand the nature of collaborative interactions in different healthcare settings (clinical healthcare and public health for disaster management). Dr. Kuziemsky is also interested in the different contexts in which collaboration occurs and how these contexts influence ICT design and evaluation. 

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