Users Carolyn Dolan
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Carolyn Dolan

Degree & Credential: JD, MSN, FNP-BC, PPCNP-BC, SANE-A
Location: Alabama
Title: Professor and PI HRSA ANE/SANE Grant
Organization: University of South Alabama
Profession: Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)

The University of South Alabama’s HRSA sponsored SANE ANE program goals include:

  1. To increase the number of SANEs in the local and regional healthcare workforce by 40 targeting rural, underserved ER and health department clinic settings and to increase the SANE number nationally via graduate student recruitment due to the interest shown by USA graduate nursing students (representing most of the United States and several countries) in a recent survey.
  2. To provide trauma informed, victim centered care to the sexually victimized particularly in areas of greatest need: rural and underserved ER and clinic settings and health departments utilizing preceptor development and telehealth.
  3. To improve the current tracking means for identifying the number of SANEs who may be eligible for certification and provide support through CE and/or stipends.
  4. To foster professional development of SANEs by increasing networking opportunities locally and regionally and by utilizing technology.  To encourage professionalism at the local, state, regional and national levels through service, research, mentoring and peer review activities.
  5. To provide an array of educational opportunities that meet the community SANE’s continuing educational needs and the advanced practice SANE particularly in the realm of self-care and prevention and understanding of vicarious trauma.