Users Andres Marquez-Lara
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Andres Marquez-Lara

Degree & Credential:
Title: Founder & Passion Catalyst
Organization: Promethean Community LLC
Profession: Social entrepreneur

Mr. Marquez-Lara has a graduate degree in Clinical Community Psychology from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, and an undergraduate degree from Duke University in Psychology with a Certificate in Human Development. He worked for seven years in the Washington, D.C. public mental health system, five of those years at Saint Elizabeths Hospital with the Department of Behavioral Health. He has trained at the East Side Institute in social therapy, and is a Senior Fellow at the George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership. In 2014, Ashoka and American Express recognized Mr. Marquez-Lara as one of the 2014 emerging social innovators.