Center for Bioethics Ethics Grand Rounds Webinar Series

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Mar 11, 2025 - 4:30pm CDT

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The Center for Bioethics Ethics Grand Rounds is made up of academic webinars regarding the ethics and implications around medical aid-in-dying. 

  • Webinar 1: "The Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act: Medical Aid in Dying is Compassionate Option for Terminally Ill PatientsThe Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill: Bad Medicine, Bad Ethics, Bad LawA Patient's Last Chapter: Ethical Considerations for VSED, Euthanasia, and MAID"
    • This is a webinar talking about the pros of "Physician Aid in Dying", specifically related to the 2022 bill (which failed) proposed in the MN legislature.  
    • Authors: Thaddeus Mason Pope, JD, PhD, HEC-C, Professor, Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Danna Nelson, Compassion and Choices Patient Advocate, David R Grube MD, National Medical Director (Retired), Compassion and Choices, Representative Mike Freiberg (DFL) District: 45B
  • Webinar 2: The Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill: Bad Medicine, Bad Ethics, Bad Law
    • This is a webinar talking about the cons of Physician Aid in Dying, Specifically related to the 2022 bill (which failed) proposed in the MN legislature.
    • Authors: Daniel Sulmasy, MD, PhD, Georgetown University, T. Brian Callister, MD, FACP, SFHM, University of Nevada, John B. Kelly, MA, Second Thoughts Massachusetts, Anita Cameron, Not Dead Yet, Senator John A. Hoffman (36, DFL)
  • Webinar 3: A Patient's Last Chapter: Ethical Considerations for VSED, Euthanasia, and MAID
    • This is a webinar talking about the  ethical and practical distinctions between medical aid in dying, VSED, Palliative Sedation, withdrawl of care, and euthanasia.
    • Joel Wu JD, MPH, MA, HEC-C, University of Minnesota
  • Webinar 4: Ethics At the Intersection: Discussing End of Life Choices With American Indian and Alaska Native Patients
    • This is a webinar focused on end-of-life concerns for Indigenous, American Indian and Alaska Native patients. 
    • Author: Mary J. Owens, M.D


About The Organization: The Center for Bioethics envisions ethical and socially responsible healthcare, public health, and health policy.  


Keywords: Indigenous health, medical aid-in-dying, American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN), Indigenous, end-of-life, advance care planning, MAID, Physician assisted suicide

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Death, Dying & End of Life Resources