Fostering Grief Ready Workplaces: A Starter Kit for Mental Health and School Mental Health Leadership

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Dec 2, 2024 - 5:44pm CST

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A note from Mental Health Technology: 

"We developed this guide with two hopes:

  • To provide participants of both the Lab and Series with a summary of the content covered, which will aid in the ongoing development of their individual and school-system Grief Readiness Plans.
  • To serve as a resource to general and school mental health practitioners who weren’t present with us in the Lab or Series, offering takeaways to support their own grief-readiness work.

A gentle reminder: One consistent refrain from the conversations with participants following the Lab and Series is that this work doesn’t happen overnight. Shifting culture takes time. Our main hope is that this guide gives you some inspiration and fodder for your process of cultivating workplaces that are clearer, more compassionate, and more respectful towards grieving employees.

What’s inside the guide?

  • Compilation of content we engaged with during the Spring 2021 Lab and Fall 2021 Series.
  • Quotes from participants & learnings from our discussions; participants represented mental health and school mental health practitioners, represented decades of cumulative experience.
  • Practical activities and strategies to employ in the workplace or in schools.
  • Reflection questions to guide you toward creating your own Grief Readiness Plan or program. These are questions that you can return to again and again, and each time has the potential to spark something new.

Who is this guide for?

  • Supervisors, managers, directors, administrators, and leadership of school and mental health organizations, agencies, and agencies
  • Human resources professionals
  • Mental health and school mental health providers (e.g., therapists, social workers, peer support professionals)
  • Technical assistance providers, coaches, consultants
  • Trauma-informed professionals
  • And anyone else interested in being grief sensitive at work."

About the organization: The purpose of the MHTTC Network is technology transfer - disseminating and implementing evidence-based practices for mental disorders into the field. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the MHTTC Network includes 10 Regional Centers and a Network Coordinating Office.

Mental Health Technology
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families