IPE & Innovation Full Issue AMA Journal of Ethics May 2023

Michael J. Oldani's picture
Submitted by Michael J. Oldani on Aug 6, 2024 - 11:01am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Interprofessional education (IPE) began as a health and social care movement in the early 1970s and took firm hold in US-based accreditation standards in the mid-2000s. IPE should start early in health professions education and prepare clinicians for cross-disciplinary work culture that nourishes quality, collegiality, and safety in a rapidly evolving health sector. Since formation of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative®, IPE trends have gained momentum. This theme issue considers strategies for wider implementation of educational innovations that promote patient-centered and collaborative care, reduce iatrogenic harm, and improve health outcomes.

Guest Editors: M. Oldani & E. Chou
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
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