How Rohingya Language Educational Videos Help Improve Refugee Interprofessional Health Service Delivery in Milwaukee

Michael J. Oldani's picture
Submitted by Michael J. Oldani on Aug 5, 2024 - 7:07pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Milwaukee has become home to one of the largest US populations of Rohingya refugees, who face barriers to health care, including poor service integration impeded by the absence of a formal written language. Clinicians also face barriers to delivering adequate, culturally attuned health services, so suboptimal outcomes are common. This article describes a community-based intervention using an interprofessional, multi-organizational, and ethnographically focused approach to address Rohingya refugee health needs that incorporates Rohingya participants’ making educational videos in their native language. Mutually beneficial outcomes are outlined for Rohingya, students, and clinicians.

James Lokken
Thong Lee
Emily Mauer
Christopher Wagner
James Sanders
Michael Oldani
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Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
Patients & Families