Geriatric ECHO: Reducing Falls: An Evidence Based Approach to Staying Safe for Older Adults
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Apr 10, 2023 - 2:07pm CDT
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This presentation (1:00:15 minutes) by Kenton Kong discusses fall risks in older adults. By the end of the presentation, learners should be able to: (1) understand current scientific literature regarding fall risk factors and interventions to reduce falls and fall-related outcomes; (2) understand basic fall risk principles and guidelines for older adults; (3) identify associated fall risk factors in older adults; (4) understand effective interventions to address fall risk factors in older adults; and (5) apply updated guidelines and interventions to applicable clinical situations. (Presentation starts at 3:50 minutes.)
Source: John A. Burns School of Medicine, 2022, Project ECHO
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection
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