Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions: Challenges in the Care of Older Adults

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Dec 21, 2022 - 4:40pm CST

Resource Type: 
Learning Module

An increasing number of people are living with Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC). These older adults with MCC experience a high level of “illness burden” (poor quality of life, depression, “treatment burden” (multiple uncoordinated visits, polypharmacy) and lack of person-centered care (low continuity, lack of focus on patients’ priorities). This module covers optimizing care for older adults with MCC by reducing treatment burden and unplanned care. Participants will recognize the guiding principles to assist in the overall care management of MCC which aim to improve quality of life by promoting shared decisions based on what is important to each person in terms of treatments, health priorities, lifestyle and goals. The patient-centered approach to managing the challenges of care for older adults with MCC will be reviewed and practice strategies to enhance care will be provided.

This learning module, created by Michael Koronkowksi, discusses Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) in older adults and caring for them. By the end of the module, learners should be able to: (1) discuss the terminology, epidemiology, and impact of MCC; (2) describe the patient care management challenges of MCC; (3) discuss the guiding principles of MCC; (4) describe the approach to care of the older adult with MCC; and (5) identify resources to support the care management of MCC. Registration is required to access the material but there is no charge.

Source: ENGAGE-IL, 2022

Michael Koronkowski
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection