Sexuality and the Older Adult

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Dec 21, 2022 - 4:35pm CST

Resource Type: 
Learning Module

A healthy sex life is fulfilling and good for multiple aspects of life including physical health and self-esteem. This is true among many older adults who continue to enjoy their sexuality into their 80’s and beyond. Participate in this module to better understand the myths vs. reality of sexual activity among older adults, the importance of assessing the sexual history utilizing the PLISSIT model, and screening for STIs. Acquire successful strategies for managing patients’ sexual dysfunction and provide appropriate patient education for your older adult patients.

This learning module, created by Valerie Gruss, discusses older adults and sexuality. By the end of the module, learners should be able to: (1) identify societal attitudes and cultural factors affecting older adult sexuality and sexual functioning; (2) discuss the multidimensional needs of aging sexual minorities (lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgender persons); (3) describe the role of clinicians in educating, screening, assessing, and managing sexual concerns and dysfunctions among older adults; and (4) identify risk factors and screening strategies related to the development of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among older adults. Registration is required to access the material but there is no charge.

Source: ENGAGE-IL, 2022

Valerie Gruss
Assessment & Evaluation
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection