Signs and Symptoms of Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on May 26, 2022 - 12:07pm CDT

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This webinar (58:18 minutes) given by John Stoukides discusses the signs and symptoms of cognitive impairment in older adults. By the end of the webinar, learners should be able to: (1) recognize the difference between normal and pathological memory loss; (2) utilize appropriate screening tools to identify cognitive loss; (3) evaluate a patient's medical regimen for medications that may be worsening cognition; and (4) discuss methods of engaging families in the evaluation and treatment of patients with cognitive loss. To access this material, registration is required by the creators but there is no charge for it. (Webinar starts at 3:00 minutes.)

John Stoukides
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection