Global Cafe – Scholarly Writing about IPE as a Collaborative Process (26 April 2022)

Scholarly Writing about IPE as a Collaborative Process

Speaker: Jill Thistlethwaite, Adjunct professor University of Technology, Sydney, (UTS), Sydney

Date and Time:  26 April 2022; 11:30 am AEST/1:30am GMT


In this session I will be drawing on my thirty years of experience of writing, editing and reviewing, and discuss how writing is both a solitary pursuit and a collaborative effort. Collaborative writing can be difficult at times but also supportive if one chooses collaborators well. I will consider what journal editors, particularly of interprofessional journals, are looking for and compare collaborative writing and interprofessional practice. There will be recommendations for interprofessional writing to improve the chances of publication. And there will be time for questions and comments.

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Event Date: 
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 - 10:30am to 11:30am CDT