Integrating Music Therapy Students into Interprofessional Education: Academic Program Development

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Submitted by Shenandoah Univ... on Mar 6, 2020 - 8:54am CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

“Integrating Music Therapy Students into Interprofessional Education: Academic Program Development”, an article by Director of Music Therapy Studies, Coordinator of Graduate Music Therapy and Associate Professor of Music Therapy Tony Meadows, Ph.D., MT-BC; Director of Pre-Health and Interprofessional Education and Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies Anne Schempp, Ed.D., PA-C, and Assistant Professor of Music Therapy Bronwen Landless, M.M.T., MT-BC; was published in Music Therapy Perspectives in December 2019. The article is based on their work in the Interprofessional Education (IPE) program that is part of the health professions programs. Shenandoah offers one of the most extensive and integrated IPE programs for music therapy students in the country. 

Anthony Meadows, PhD, MT-BC
Anne Schempp, EdD, PA-C
Bronwen Landless, MMT, MT-BC
Education & Learning
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