New Course! Interprofessional by Design | Registration Now Open!

The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and the Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER), are pleased to announce an exciting new workshop:

Interprofessional by Design
What You Need to Know to Advance Team-Based Care and Return on Investment: Integrated Care and Care Coordination

A very active and practical 3-day workshop in which participants learn and practice strategies and tools for high performance teamwork in care coordination and integrated care – and how to translate team roles, activities and outcomes into dollars.

Faculty will walk away with insights, tools and strategies to prepare students for team practice in care coordination and integrated care. Practitioners will walk away with insights, tools and strategies ready for immediate application. All participants will gain an understanding of how to turn their teamwork activities into return on investment.

Registration is now open! Complete details are available at