A Qualitative Analysis of Various Definitions of Integrative Medicine and Health

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Submitted by Academic Consor... on Mar 16, 2015 - 11:22am CDT

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This article by Beth Rosenthal, PhD, MPH, MBA (ACCAHC Assistant Director) and Anthony Lisi, DC (ACCAHC Clinical Working Group member), analyzes the components of various integrative medicine-related definitions published by a range of well-known sources. A group of eleven themes emerged. The most common elements included whole person focus, evidence-informed, optimal health/wellness, and combination of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with conventional medicine. Differences existed with respect to terms such as modality/therapy versus profession/discipline. The themes described may be relevant to clarify discussion of future research and policy efforts. The work originated in the ACCAHC CWG and was supported by a generous investment from the Leo S. Guthman Fund.

Beth Rosenthal, PhD, MPH, MBA and Anthony Lisi, DC
Assessment & Evaluation