“The Power of Many Minds Working Together” : Qualitative Study of an Interprofessional Service-Learning Capstone Course

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Submitted by SLU Center for ... on Jan 20, 2015 - 2:17pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Background: An interprofessional faculty group analyzed a critical reflection
assignment of students in a service-learning practicum interprofessional education
(IPE) course. Students were from ten programs: physical therapy, occupational
therapy, nuclear medicine technology, radiation therapy, athletic training,
nursing, investigative medical science, cytotechnology, nutrition and dietetics, and
clinical laboratory science. Research questions investigated what the assignments
revealed about students’ application of beliefs, emotions, and behaviours, and if
course objectives were met.
Methods and Findings: This qualitative study retrospectively analyzed one critical
reflection from the course conducted in 2011. Researchers selected a stratified
sample of 40 assignments from a population of 278. Nine major themes emerged:
achieving IPE outcomes, engaging in team process, learning culture/community
engagement, being client/patient centred, becoming aware of behaviours, experiencing
barriers, articulating beliefs, connecting with course objectives, and
expressing emotions.
Conclusions: In an IPE practicum course, transformative learning was evident.
Students articulated beliefs, emotions, and behaviours related to interprofessional
teamwork. Students expressed detailed understanding of team processes. For
future research, critical reflection assignments were useful to assess student beliefs,
emotions, and behaviours in a practicum course. We suggest studying practice
among health professionals who have experienced IPE compared with those who
have not had IPE in their professional curricula.

Leander, SA
Maloney, SM
Ruebling, I
Banks, R
Pole, D
Kettenbach, G
Education & Learning