Defining Your Nexus: Who Should Attend

Defining Your Nexus Defining Your Nexus: Who Should Attend


Who Should Attend: Forming Your Nexus Team

We have found that bringing intact or new teams of education and community partners with different perspectives benefits sustaining local Nexus partnerships. These are important considerations: Who should be on your Nexus team? Who can influence program development, vitality and longevity of your efforts in your own situation? Who will roll up their sleeves to work to benefit all stakeholders, including learners, people/family and communities? Who can accelerate your local partnerships? While passion about IPE work is a necessary pre-requisite, it is not sufficient. It is helpful to engage people who can influence your Nexus work beyond a single project or team.


• Health Education Partners

  • IPE leader at the higher education institution – sitting structurally who can make a difference (i.e. program directors or coordinators
  • Curriculum committee chairs
  • Key faculty champions that will be involved with implementation
  • Department chairs, deans and vice presidents/provosts

• Community and Clinical Partners

  • Key community and clinical personnel that will be involved with implementation
  • Key champions of IPE who are committed to the benefits of collaboration and open to a changing model of care and health systems 

• Dedicated to the hard work of IPE

  • IPE is hard work. Bring those who are willing to see a vision bigger than one individual project and beyond themselves.
  • Who is committed enough to roll up their sleeves and work?

• Students and Patients

  • Students and patients who are able to offer an important perspective to the initiative are welcome.