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Literature Compendium Qualitative Methods

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Exploring the role of the interprofessional mentor

Exploring the role of the interprofessional mentor

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

This paper describes the articulation of a model of interprofessional mentorship derived from qualitative interviews with students and health and social care professionals who support students in practice settings. The findings describe three core components within the data: the facilitation of interprofessional learning; supervision of students and assessment of their learning. These components interact with the aim of developing interprofessional capability in students.

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Rural professionals' perceptions of interprofessional continuing education in mental health

Rural professionals' perceptions of interprofessional continuing education in mental health

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

We describe the impact of an interprofessional education programme in mental health for professionals in six rural Canadian communities. The 10-session programme, offered primarily via videoconference, focussed on eight domains of mental health practice. One hundred and twenty-five professionals, representing 15 professions, attended at least some sessions, although attendance was variable. Data were collected between September 2006 and December 2007. The programme was evaluated using a mixed methods approach.

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How and where clinicians exercise power: interprofessional relations in health care

How and where clinicians exercise power: interprofessional relations in health care

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

This study aims to contribute to the limited set of interactional studies of health occupational relations. A "negotiated order" perspective was applied to a multi-site setting to articulate the ways in which clinicians' roles, accountabilities and contributions to patient care are shaped by the care setting and are influenced by the management of patient pathways.

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Perceptions of effective and ineffective nurse-physician communication in hospitals

Perceptions of effective and ineffective nurse-physician communication in hospitals

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT


Nurse-physician communication affects patient safety. Such communication has been well studied using a variety of survey and observational methods; however, missing from the literature is an investigation of what constitutes effective and ineffective interprofessional communication from the perspective of the professionals involved. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of effective and ineffective communication between the two professions.


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Registered nurses as members of interprofessional primary health care teams in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: Collaboration, communication and partnerships in practice

Registered nurses as members of interprofessional primary health care teams in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: Collaboration, communication and partnerships in practice

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Nurses represent the largest occupational group of health care professionals in Australia. The ratio of nurses to population is relatively consistent, unlike other health care professional groups (including medical doctors and allied health staff) whose numbers decline as population density and distance from metropolitan areas increases. Nurses working in areas where other health care professionals are limited or absent have expanded scopes of practice with their work being more generalist than specialist.

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Developing an e-pedagogy for interprofessional learning: Lecturers' thinking on curriculum design

Developing an e-pedagogy for interprofessional learning: Lecturers' thinking on curriculum design

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

E-learning is seen as offering possible solutions to the barriers of large scale interprofessional education. This paper discusses a study that explored the underlying pedagogical thinking employed by lecturers when planning e-learning materials for interprofessional education. The themes uncovered in the data were: "reflective spaces for creativity"; "from logistics to learner autonomy"; "authentic"; "constructivist approaches"; "inter-active learning to promote collaboration" and "bringing the patient/service user into the classroom".

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A pilot study of an electronic interprofessional evidence-based care planning tool for clients with mental health problems and addictions

A pilot study of an electronic interprofessional evidence-based care planning tool for clients with mental health problems and addictions

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT


The health system must develop effective solutions to the growing challenges it faces with respect to individuals who suffer with mental health disorders and addictions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and potential impact on outcomes of a knowledge translation system aimed at improving client-centered, evidence-based care for hospitalized individuals with schizophrenia.


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Supporting patient safety: examining communication within delivery suite teams through contrasting approaches to research observation

Supporting patient safety: examining communication within delivery suite teams through contrasting approaches to research observation

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

OBJECTIVE: to explore the nature of intra- and interprofessional communication on delivery suites, with a particular focus on patient safety.

DESIGN: longitudinal study using contrasting forms of observation: ethnographic methods alongside the highly structured Interaction Process Analysis (IPA) framework.

SETTING: four contrasting delivery suites offering different models of care and serving different populations: two in the north of England and two in London.

PARTICIPANTS: the multidisciplinary delivery suite teams and visiting professionals from related areas.

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