Women’s Health in the Health Science Curriculum: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach

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Submitted by Donna Grant-Mills on Dec 21, 2015 - 12:33pm CST

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Presentation given in March 2015 at the 2015 Women’s Health in Interprofessional Education symposium.

This symposium was planned in response to the 2013 HRSA Women’s Health Curricula: Final Report on Expert Panel Recommendations for Interprofessional Collaboration Across the Health Professions. With support from the OWRH at NIH and HRSA, this report presented a framework for the consideration of women’s health across health domains and levels of institutional preparedness to educate future health care practitioners appropriately. The March 2015 symposium included speakers from medicine, dentistry and pharmacy who are using this framework to incorporate women’s health concepts into IPE curricula at their schools.

More information on the symposium can be found here: http://www.adea.org/policy/sex-based-health-differences/womens-health-in-ipe.aspx

Donna Grant-Mills
Education & Learning