Pandemic Flu: An Interprofessional Exercise in Disaster Preparedness

Univ. of Arizona - Center for Transformative Interprofessional Healthcare (CTIPH)'s picture
Submitted by Univ. of Arizon... on Jun 24, 2014 - 11:19am CDT

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Combining online and face-to-face learning, the IPEP Pandemic Flu mini-course underscores the importance of collaboration across professional lines.

In the fall of each year, health professions students at the University of Arizona Students participate in the mini-course and simulated pandemic where they must work in teams to address the threats and consequences of public health emergencies. The course brings together students from nursing, pharmacy, medicine, public health, law and social work.

Building on the success of a statewide offering in 2012, the 2013 Pandemic Flu mini-course will again bring together students from all three Arizona state universities: University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University.

University of Arizona Interprofessional Education & Practice
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