Interprofessional Team Reasoning Framework as a Tool for Case Study Analysis with Health Professions Students: A Randomized Study

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Submitted by Kathleen Packard on Oct 7, 2014 - 3:52pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Background: This pilot study evaluated the efficacy of the Interprofessional Team Reasoning Framework (IPTRF) to facilitate teaching and learning case studies with health professions students.

Methods and Findings: Eighteen interprofessional students were randomized to teams of six and were videotaped while completing a case. Team 1 (control) received only the case; team 2 received the case plus framework; and team 3 received the case, framework, and was shown videotaped examples of interprofessional interactions. The primary endpoint was students’ perceptions of interprofessional skills as measured pre and post intervention using a modified Team Skills Scale. The secondary endpoint was student performance as assessed by blinded individuals using a standardized rubric. The results revealed that students’ perceptions of team skills were significantly improved in team 2 and team 3 but not team 1. Students’ performance of their case as assessed by blinded faculty was significantly better in team 3 compared with teams 1 and 2.

Conclusions: In this study of six disciplines, the IPTRF, in combination with modeled examples of interprofessional communication, was an effective tool to teach skills necessary to workup a patient case, which included collaboration, communication, and values/ethics. As the landscape of interprofessional education evolves, tools like the IPTRF will facilitate incorporation of these skills into health professions education.

Kathleen Packard
Anna Maio
Joy Doll
Jennifer Furze
Kathryn Huggett
Gail Jensen
Diane Jorgensen
Marlene Wilken
Yongyue Qi
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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Outcomes-based Evaluation Tools