The Immigrant Memory Collaborative: A Community-University Partnership to Assess African Immigrant Families' Experience with Dementia

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Submitted by Minnesota North... on Apr 25, 2023 - 4:19pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This article describes the process of working collaboratively with a community partner and project advisory board to conduct a culturally informed project. Specifically, this article describes the process of developing culturally informed instruments to collect data on dementia care needs and resources among African immigrants. Working together with a diverse project advisory board, a guide was developed and used to conduct community conversations about experiences with dementia/memory loss. These qualitative findings were used to inform the development of a survey for quantitative data collection that is currently ongoing. Themes (e.g., cultural attitudes, challenges, and current resources) from the community conversations that informed the survey are described briefly.

Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health, 2022. Minnesota Northstar GWEP.

Manka Nkimbeng
Christina E. Rosebush
Kwame O. Akosah
Hawking Yam
Wynfred N. Russell
Gabriela Bustamante
Elizabeth A. Albers
Tetyana P. Shippee
Arundhathi P. Sasikumar
Joseph E. Gaugler
Communities & Population Health
Patients & Families
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection