Identification and Management of Opioid Use Disorder in Older Adults

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jun 9, 2022 - 11:18am CDT

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This webinar (51:49 minutes) given by Anita Jacobson discusses how to identify and manage opioid use disorder in older adults. By the end of this webinar, learners should be able to: (1) consider incorporation of routine screening of older adults for opioid use disorder (OUD) and opioid overdose in the primary care setting; (2) discuss how stigma and ageism may negatively impact the identification and treatment of OUD in older adults; and (3) enhance use of naltrexone or opioid agonist therapy in older adults with OUD, including expanded use buprenorphine in the primary care setting. Registration is required by the creators to access the material but there is no charge. (Webinar starts at 2:30 minutes.)

Anita Jacobson
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection