How to Talk to Your Patients about End-of-Life Care: A Conversation Ready Toolkit for Clinicians

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jun 3, 2020 - 11:57am CDT

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This toolkit designed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvemnt (IHI) was created to help clinicians address some of the challenges of engaging with patients and their families regarding end-of-life conversations that develop over time. The toolkit provides and details four patient cases with diverse backgrounds and experiences at different points of illness, along with diverse clinicians in various care settings. Each case discusses the conversations appropriate for the situation as it outlines the progression of the patient's illness and key considerations for clinicians to consider when engaging in discussion with patients and families regarding what matters most to the patient in their end-of-life care. (Registration to the IHI website is required to access this resource).

Source: Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 2019.

Kate M. Lally
Kelly McCutcheon Adams
Angela Zambeaux
Christopher Joshi
Lauge Sokol-Hessner
Education & Learning
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