Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

Showing 1261 - 1270 of 1319

This consensus study report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines the effectiveness of existing programs, supports, and interventions designed to support family caregivers. The report also addresses policies and...

This consensus study report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine assesses the current state of knowledge on interventions to prevent cognitive decline and dementia, and it informs future research in this area. It also...

This consensus study report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine discusses the health effects of social isolation and loneliness on the older adult population. It also includes recommendations for how health professionals...

iSupport is a WHO online training and support manual for caregivers of people with dementia. It contains five modules: introduction to dementia, being a carer, caring for me, providing everyday care, and dealing with behavior changes.


This WHO report looks at the latest evidence on aging and establishes a framework for influencing policies through public health action. The framework offers concrete steps that can be used by countries at all levels of development.


This fact sheet explains the prevelance of mental health problems in older adults and how these problems are under-identified within this population. Risk factors for mental health problems are discussed, along with the specific conditions of dementia...

This fact sheet describes the incidence of falls, the scope of the problem, who is at risk for falls, and how to prevent falls.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), 2021.

WHO believes that every older person should have access to high quality, person-centered services. This brief video explains WHO's guidelines for Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE), which focuses on building their physical and mental capacities...

This website aims to engage the global community to create an age-friendly world through city and community planning. Viewers of the site can access newsletters, discover age-friendly practices, submit age-friendly practices, and explore the global...

These WHO guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for delaying and/or preventing cognitive decline and dementia through lifestyle behaviors and interventions. The guidelines may be useful for health care providers, policy-makers, and other...

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The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection is part of Minnesota Northstar GWEP, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Award No. U1QHP33076, the University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, and the Otto Bremer Trust.