Fast Facts Sheets Regarding Medical Examiners Role And Supporting Community Members To Understand Factors For After-Death Planning

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Mar 11, 2025 - 5:06pm CDT

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Every coroner or medical examiner in office on or after July 1st, 2015 in the state of Minnesota must maintain and make publicly available a statement of policy or principles to be used for communicating with families during a death investigation.

Section 390.11, subdivision 2b allows for religious objection to autopsy by the representative of the decedent, defined as the person with the right to control disposition of the body, and includes requirements that good faith efforts be made to notify the representative before autopsy is performed and to provide verbal and written information to the representative.

About The Organization: MN Coroners' & Medical Examiners' Association purpose is to: form and perpetuate an efficient organization of Coroners and Medical Examiners, their deputies and investigators, and former Coroners; provide for the prompt exchange of information pertaining to the duties, methods and official practice of the members and to furnish advance notice of all such matters as may threaten violation of law, relative to deaths of persons, under the jurisdiction of the Coroners and Medical Examiners; cooperate with peace officers throughout Minnesota and with similar organizations in other states; exert such influence as may be necessary to bring about and preserve legislation in harmony with the need of enforcement officials, and the safety and welfare of the public; acquire, use and dispose of such property as may be necessary of the transaction of its business; and to alter or amend any or all of the foregoing statements of purposes whenever necessary to make the same consistent with the powers, duties or policies of the membership.

Keywords: Coroner, Autopsy, Funeral, Minnesota las, Death, Legal issues, Medical examiner, Death investigation, Violent death, Grief, Loss

MN Coroners' & Medical Examiners' Association
Communities & Population Health
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Death, Dying & End of Life Resources