Depression, Part 2: SBAR Depression & Medical Treatment
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Apr 29, 2023 - 5:05pm CDT
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This presentation (54:41 minutes) by Aida Wen discusses SBAR depression and medical treatment. She provides information about PHQ-9, suicidal ideation in nursing homes, and treatments. Dana Mitchell discusses how caregivers can take care of themselves.
Learning objectives: 1) explore strategies for well-being during the Pandemic and recovery; 2) practice Age Friendly Health Systems strategies; 3) identify QI strategies to improve nursing home care; and 4) increased knowledge for regulatory guidance for COVID and QN. Slides are available for download. (Presentation starts at 9:00 minutes.)
Source: John A. Burns School of Medicine, 2021. Project Echo.
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Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection
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