Chronic Disease Management Solutions to Positively Impact Risk -- Panel Discussion

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Apr 23, 2023 - 11:01am CDT

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In this presentation (52:13 minutes), a panel of health professionals including Catherine Carrico, Jeff Grant, Hali Harrison, and Maggie Kougle, discuss how to manage chronic diseases and solutions to positively impact individuals' risk for these diseases. Learning Objectives: (1) identify the need for evidence-based chronic disease program options in regard to those with dementia-related diseases; (2) understand how diabetes self-management education (DSME) facilitates the knowledge, skill, and ability necessary for diabetes self-care; (3) understand how the Diabetes Prevention Program is for people at risk for type 2 diabetes to participate in evidence-based lifestyle change programs to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes; (4) describe how the Healthy U program can assist people to take control of their condition and live healthier lives; and (5) describe how simple actions can greatly reduce the risk for injury.

Source: Wyoming Center on Aging, 2022.

Jeff Grant
Hali Harrison
Maggie Kougl
Catherine Carrico
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection