Beyond Flexner: The Role of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Barbara F. Brandt's picture
Submitted by Barbara F. Brandt on Apr 13, 2015 - 8:38am CDT

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This presentation, delivered by Barbara Brandt, PhD, at Beyond Flexner 2015, discusses the evolution in thinking about teams and collaboration, introduces the "Nexus" and outlines the patient-centered curriculum.


About Beyond Flexner 2015

Beyond Flexner 2015 brought national attention to schools with strong social mission agendas, created a forum for collaboration and shared innovations among socially accountable medical schools, and legitimized the important role of medical education in addressing the nation’s health inequities. The conference provided an opportunity for educators, students, policy makers, and civic leaders to discuss social mission in medical education; to explore the experiences, challenges, and lessons learned with the promotion of social mission in medical education; and to create a forum for networking, research, and continued collaboration around issues of social mission among individuals and institutions in medical education.

Barbara F. Brandt
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
The Nexus