Advancing Senior Care and Aging in Place through Collaborative, In-Home Visits: A Novel Community-University Partnership

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Submitted by Michael J. Oldani on Aug 6, 2024 - 11:33am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Report on a a 3 year project involving clinical faculty and students from pharmacy, nursing, and occupational therapy who engaged in team-based home visits with at risk seniors in an underserved county in Wisconsin. In particular, this report highlights the importance of community-based partnerships with organizations, such as Fresh Meals on Wheels and Area Health Education Centers.  Results indicated that faculty, students and the recipients of care were extremely satisfied with the program. Seniors indicated that they finally felt heard and care for and several student described the program as having a profound impact on their overall interprofessional training. 

Michael Oldani
Sharon Chappy
Lois Harrison
Stacey Kukor
Travis Suss
Nancy Stoehr
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
Patients & Families