Learning through service: student perceptions on volunteering at interprofessional hepatitis B student-run clinics

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Student-run clinics (SRCs) are widespread, but studies on their educational impact are limited. We surveyed preclinical medical, nursing, and pharmacy students about their experiences in a hepatitis B elective which provided opportunities to they could volunteer at hepatitis B screening and vaccination SRCs. Student responses revealed positive perceptions of the volunteer experience. Benefits included interacting with patients, developing clinical skills, providing service to disadvantaged populations, and collaborating with health professional peers. Students who participated in clinic reported enhanced skills compared to those who did not attend. SRCs play a valuable role in instilling positive attitudes and improving skills.

PubMed URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20652476

Sheu, Leslie C
Zheng, Patricia
Coelho, Anabelle D
Lin, Lisa D
O'Sullivan, Patricia S
O'Brien, Bridget C
Yu, Albert Y
Lai, Cindy J
Journal Citation: 
Journal of Cancer Education. 26(2):228-33, 2011 Jun.