Free TeamSTEPPS App Available for Download Now

The TeamSTEPPS® Pocket Guide is a quick-reference application designed and developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which is the Nation's lead Federal agency for research to improve the safety and quality of health care. 

Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS), is a teamwork system developed by AHRQ and the Department of Defense to improve collaboration and communication in health care settings. Patient safety experts agree that communication and other teamwork skills are essential to the delivery of high-quality health care and to the prevention of medical errors, patient injury, and harm.

Download AHRQ’s new TeamSTEPPS® app now to put the structured communication tools and checklists from the TeamSTEPPS pocket guide at your fingertips on your smartphone or tablet. TeamSTEPPS is AHRQ’s signature curriculum to improve patient safety by training health care teams to communicate and practice effective teamwork. The app is available at no cost through the Apple iTunes Store and Google Play Store