Experts from Australia and New Zealand to visit National Center

Through funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education will be hosting two international scholars in its Global Leadership Consultancies in Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research.

Drs. Jill Thistlethwaite, professor of medical education at University of Queensland (Australia), and Marion Jones, dean of university postgraduate studies and professor of interprofessional learning at Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) will be in residence at National Center June 10 to share their research and experience.

“While National Center’s work is primarily U.S. focused, we can learn much from the work of our colleagues in other nations,” comments Barbara Brandt, director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. “Their insights and expertise can contribute significantly to our success, and we are very excited about their visit. We had more than 100 registrations for their two webinars within 24 hours of the announcement."

During their time at National Center, they will share their expertise broadly through seminars, work with National Center leaders on shared issues and set the tone for international discussion.

Dr. Jones comments on her visit, “I believe in the context of interprofessional learning, we should value diversity and share experiences – that is the essence of IPP. This is an opportunity to learn more from those in the Centre, respecting what other countries have to offer and exploring what is different and the same within very different health care systems.”

According to Dr. Thistlethwaite, “In this short visit, my main expectations are to gain a better understanding of the work of the center and meet the staff. This is also an opportunity for the staff to meet me and hear about my work in the area. It is always good to interact face to face. I think that people in other countries are envious of the opportunities National Center has and are looking forward the findings of projects and how they may apply them in their own contexts.”

Please join us Tuesday, June 10, via live webinar, to hear Drs. Marion Jones and Jill Thistlethwaite discuss initiatives in Australia and New Zealand in interprofessional education and collaborative practice.


8 – 9:30 a.m. (CDT) 

Assessment of Teamwork

Jill Thistlethwaite, MBBS, MMEd, PhD

Effective teamwork is a key component in the optimization of health outcomes and patient safety. Health professions programs and accreditation standards list various teamwork competencies as desirable attributes, however, it is not clear how each health care discipline prepares its members for teamwork and collaboration and how these skills are assessed in authentic diverse clinical settings. In this session, Professor Thistlethwaite will review an assessment framework that not only assesses students individually as team members but also considers a team as a single entity with a view to enhance team performance. She will review existing work based assessment tools for teamwork across the health professions, and provide a framework for categorization of instruments for use in formative assessment and the provision of timely and constructive feedback to students.

4 - 5:30 p.m. (CDT)

Models of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Jill Thistlethwaite, MBBS, MMEd, PhD

Marion Jones, MEdAdmin (Hons.), PhD

Interprofessional education and collaborative practice models and efforts are developing across the world in response to changing demographics, the increasing incidence of chronic and complex conditions, health professional shortages and persistent disparities in health.  As leaders in global interprofessional education, the presenters will share their experiences in developing and sustaining IPE efforts at Auckland University of Technology and other institutions and highlight efforts that can be implemented locally.