Applied Integrative Strategies for Pediatric Anxiety

Applied Integrative Strategies for Pediatric Anxiety is a 3-day Virtual Workshop that you will not want to miss! You’ll learn from some of the best integrative providers about research-based complementary treatments such as nutritional interventions, mindfulness, guided imagery, and more. The goal is for you to come away with immediately actionable strategies that you can use in your practice with the next anxious child or teen you encounter. Up to 12 CME credits are available in conjunction with this event. REGISTER TODAY: At the AIS conference, you'll learn: ✓ How breathing, regulating movement, and rest practices impact the brain and nervous system, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. ✓ How to integrate formal and informal Mindfulness practices in personal and professional contexts. ✓ How to foster your own emotional wellness as a clinician. ✓ How mind-body and whole child interventions can impact anxiety, as well as common comorbid conditions such as ADHD. ✓ Research-based dietary and nutritional interventions to reduce anxiety and depression in children and adolescents ✓ How to differentiate PANS/PANDAS/AE from other mental health issues and conditions including ADHD, OCD, and anxiety ✓ The latest research & developments in integrative pediatric psychiatry And MORE! REGISTER HERE:

Event Date: 
Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 4:00pm CST to Saturday, January 13, 2024 - 4:15pm CST
Virtual Event. Register: