2014 IPEC Institute

2014 IPEC Institute

Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Interprofessional Faculty Development Institute


The overall goal is to create faculty champions to enhance interprofessional curricula and student learning experiences in quality improvement and patient safety at the point of care, through team-focused activities designing an institutional-based project.  Faculty across the health disciplines will come together to explore how to embed quality improvement and patient safety (QI/PS) content into their curriculum using IPE student learning experiences.  Pre-course reading activities will be assigned prior to the face-to-face workshop, and the post-course period will afford opportunities for online networking and a community of practice. Upon returning to their home institutions, workshop participants will continue working to implement their quality improvement and patient safety interprofessional education plan using interprofessional faculty teams, partnerships and colleagues.  


More details & registration information available here: https://ipecollaborative.org/2014_IPEC_Institute.html

Event Date: 
Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 8:00am CST to Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - 12:00pm CST
Herndon, Virginia