13th Annual MIPERC Conference

Developing a Systematic Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Approach to the Patient Experience
Richard M. DeVos Center I Grand Valley State University I Grand Rapids, MI
- Examine the IP components central to the patient experience and desired outcomes.
- Describe key processes essential to IPE across and within health professions.
- Consider education and practice strategies to improve the Patient Experience through the use of experiential learning with purposeful IPCP and IPE integration.
- Review the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare workforce in the context of care delivery, health promotion and population health
Questions regarding the conference or sponsorships can be directed to Brian Ulrich at ulrichbr@gvsu.edu or to Diane Dykstra at dykstrdi@gvsu.edu
Speakers Include:
(Watch for additional speaker announcements in the coming days!)
- Robert Casalou, MBA - President and Chief Executive Officer, Michigan Region, Trinity Health
- Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN - Dean and Professor, College of Nursing, Vice President for Health Promotion, Chief Wellness Officer, Executive Director, the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for EBP, The Ohio State University
Call for Abstracts
The MIPERC Conference is now accepting abstracts for the 2020 Conference!
DEADLINE: MAY 15, 2020
Please note: Due to the increased competitiveness of the conference, it is important that abstracts be submitted according to the content and formatting requirements as identified in the abstract instructions. Please make sure your abstract is complete. If you have any questions about content they may be addressed to Brian Ulrich, Director of Interprofessional Education at ulrichbr@gvsu.edu. Questions about the process may be submitted to Diane Dykstra at dykstrdi@gvsu.edu. We're happy to answer any questions you may have!
More information: https://www.gvsu.edu/mipercconference/
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