Including the Patient and Student Voice in Interprofessional Education and Practice: An Interactive Panel Presentation

Content Including the Patient and Student Voice in Interprofessional Education and Practice: An Interactive Panel Presentation

Sarah Shrader PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CDE and Shelley Cohen Konrad PhD, LCSW, FNAP

Presentation Slides

Interprofessional education and practice (IPECP) initiatives are expanding in our health education and healthcare systems.  These initiatives are created to enhance student learning and improve the overall quality of healthcare and satisfaction of patients. Including patients as informants to health curriculum ensures fidelity between earned knowledge and real world experience. Encouraging students to be active developers in IPE initiatives, guarantees that they will reap optimal benefits from their learning activities. For both students and patients, having voice as end-users of IPECP is important.


  • Describe theories and patient-centered priorities that underscore the need for patient-informed curriculum in interprofessional education
  • Provide exemplars of patient-generated interprofessional learning 
  • Discuss student impact and input in interprofessional education and practice
AIHC Webinar
Event Date: 
Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 12:00pm CDT
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