Announcing the Advisory Board on Interprofessional Continuing Education

Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education™ – a collaboration of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) – announced a partnership with the National Center to expand the reach of interprofessional continuing education (IPCE).

Together the organizations have formed the Advisory Board on Interprofessional Continuing Education, the first step in developing a strategic plan for adding IPCE into the educational offerings of the National Center and for integrating IPCE in team-based practice settings across the country.

The 13-member advisory board – which includes thought leaders from continuing education accreditors in the health professions, jointly accredited providers and academic institutions as well as a public representative – will leverage the research of the National Center to identify IPCE models that can advance the development of a workforce that thrives in a team-based environment.

 “This represents a wonderful opportunity for the National Center to take what we’re learning and build educational opportunities that have real-world practicality,” said Barbara Brandt, PhD, director, National Center. “Through this collaboration with the Joint Accreditation programs, we not only improve interprofessional collaborative practice but get even closer to showing its potential to achieve the Triple Aim of improved quality, cost and outcomes.”

The advisory board will host its first meeting this June in Minneapolis. Members include:

  • Barbara Brandt, PhD, director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Frank Cerra, MD, senior advisor, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Ron Cervero, PhD, associate vice president for instruction, University of Georgia
  • Kathy Chappell, PhD, RN, vice president, Accreditation Program and Institute for Credentialing Research, American Nurses Credentialing Center
  • Linda Famiglio, MD, FAAP, chief academic officer, Geisinger Health System
  • Leslie LaBelle, associate director, Joint Commission Resources
  • Kathleen Moreo, RN-BC, BSN, BHSA, CCM, CDMS, president and chief executive officer, PRIME Education, Inc.
  • Warren Newton, MD, MPH, director, North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) and vice dean, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
  • Eric Peterson, EdM, senior director, Performance Improvement CME, American Academy of Physician Assistants
  • Kate Regnier, MA, MBA, executive vice president, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
  • Michelle Spangenburg, MS, RD, director of education and research, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Inc.
  • Ed Susank, public representative
  • Dimitra Travlos, PharmD, assistant executive director and director, Continuing Pharmacy Education Provider Accreditation, Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education