University of Colorado: Adult Diabetes Management

Member since: December 2015

Intervention: Interprofessional Community-Academic Resource Engagement (i-CARE) Adult Diabetes Management Project


  • Sheridan Health Services, University of Colorado College of Nursing
  • University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
  • University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work
  • Metropolitan State University Dietetics Program

Occupations represented: Students and professionals from diabetes education, dietetics, nursing, pharmacy, and social work.

Overview: This intervention project centers on care of approximately 120 diabetic adults via an interprofessional care team. Most of the individuals in this patient cohort have experienced uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes. Self-management education and a group visit model are components of the intervention. The care team also incorporates shared decision making models that include the patient in decisions. Better preventive care and enhanced self-management are intended outcomes, and pre-intervention data were collected through the health system’s 2014 quality care indicators.

Outcome measures associated with patients will include A1C, BMI, lipids, blood pressure, medication adherence, and patient satisfaction. For the health professions students, measures for satisfaction and knowledge gain will be collected. Students’ perceptions of interprofessional education and collaborative practice will be captured using a validated assessment tool.

Sheridan Health Services is a nonprofit, nurse-managed federally qualified health center. It operates a community health center and a school-based clinic. Special services include child and teen care, behavioral health, dental care, women’s health, and case management. Its board includes clinic users and consumers from the Sheridan community.

Intervention study question:

  • What is the effect of increased interprofessional team based care and collaboration on patient health indicators, patient satisfaction and student knowledge?
