Arizona Nexus: Student Health Outreach for Wellness

The Arizona Nexus is a state Nexus that is building a collaborative community among academic and clinical organizations in Arizona. Arizona State University is the coordinator for the Arizona Nexus and currently has two approved projects involving faculty and students from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona. 

Member Since: May 2015

Intervention: Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW)


  • Arizona State University (ASU)
  • Northern Arizona University (NAU)
  • The University of Arizona (UofA)
  • Health Care for Homeless (HCH)
  • Maricopa Department of Public Health
  • Human Services Campus
  • The Arizona Nexus Macy Project

Occupations represented:  Students and professionals from health-related fields including, but not limited to: audiology, medicine, nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy,  physicians assistants, psychology, social work and speech and hearing.  Students and professionals from non-health related professions including, but not limited to, business, computer science, engineering, law, and communications.

Overview:  SHOW is a student-run clinic serving the health and social needs of vulnerable populations in the local Phoenix community.  Students and faculty from multiple health and non-health professions across Arizona’s three state universities have come together to increase access to care and services for vulnerable and underserved homeless individuals.  SHOW includes education and experience in collaborative practice. Students are guided by faculty and supervised by qualified clinical preceptors. 

The initial evaluation of the SHOW experience focuses on workforce development, interprofessional practice readiness, attitudes toward homelessness and client satisfaction.  Projects that evaluate health outcomes associated with chronic illness and costs of care are being developed.

Intervention study questions:

  • What is the effect of student interprofessional team practice on attitudes toward homelessness for students and preceptors?
  • What is the effect of student interprofessional team practice on student perceptions of their readiness for interprofessional practice and their evaluation of preceptor support for interprofessional practice over time?
  • What is the effect of student interprofessional practice on satisfaction of the client population with their health services?
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