Users Elizabeth Beam
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Elizabeth Beam

Degree & Credential: PhD, RN
Location: Nebraska
Title: Assistant Professor
Organization: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Profession: Registered Nurse


Provides leadership for the HEROES Project ( at the UNMC College of Nursing. This project provides emergency preparedness education to health professions students and healthcare providers throughout the state of Nebraska. The media resources of the HEROES project are used nationally and internationally for specialized information in areas such as chemical response and biocontainment.

As an Education Researcher for the Interprofessional Academy of Educators (, Dr. Beam consults with members on their research projects, encourages connections within the educational community at UNMC, and provides scholarly support through the guiding of writing groups and providing courses on the publication process.

Research/Scholarship Interests

Research interests include educational technology and human behavior in infection control training. Reflective practice and video review are key intervention interests.

Dr. Beam has a clinical background in medical-surgical nursing, oncology care, and research coordination.


Dr. Beam is the Assistant Director of Research for the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit ( under the Director of Research, Dr. John Lowe ( As a team, they guide and develop research projects to benefit unit processes and bedside care in a biocontainment environment. This has included unit based concerns and transport care in ground and aeromedical situations.

Dr. Beam also serves as the Publicity Chair for Sigma, Gamma Pi-At Large Chapter.

Expertise and Interests: