Online Resource Collections for Clinical Professionals and Students: Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection and the collection of Death, Dying and End of Life Resources

Online Resource Collections for Clinical Professionals and Students: Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection and the collection of Death, Dying and End of Life Resources

Date and time: Tuesday, April 1. 2025 at 1 PM Central

Are you a healthcare professional looking for new ways to learn about or teach aging or end-of-life care? Join us on April 1 for a free, one-hour virtual webinar, “Online Resource Collections for Clinical Professionals and Students: Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection and the collection of Death, Dying and End of Life Resources.”

In this webinar for professionals in healthcare and education, you will learn about the Resource Center for those working and learning in the Nexus of clinical practice and education. The NexusIPE Resource Center is an online library that includes curated collections. Two popular collections include the Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection, and a new collection of Death, Dying and End of Life Resources, to which anyone—including you!—can contribute.

Register today to learn more about these collections and how you can use them to support  clinical practice and teaching. 

Register Now

Presenters include: 

  • Christine Arenson, MD Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Amy Greminger, MD Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth
  • André Nault, MLS Veterinary Librarian and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota
  • Susan O’Conner-Von, PhD, RN-BC, CNE, FNAP Professor, Katherine R. & C. Walton Lillehei Chair in Nursing Leadership, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota
  • Teresa Schicker, MPA Program Manager, Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
  • Adine Stokes, BSW, ACP, Coordinator, Honoring Choices Advance Care Planning, Fairview Health Services, University of Minnesota